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Remedial Massage



Deep tissue massage works deep into underlying muscle and connective tissue, looking for postural or movement restriction. Then attempting to realign larger kinetic chains, remove any blockage or restrictions, and release any muscles that are trapped in nervous tension.


Trigger point therapy; little is proven about trigger points other than their existence. Many theories believe that during times of high volume, load or stress, and as our nervous system fatigues, it creates a small bundle of motor neurons and muscle fibres to form a stronger contractile force. The negative effect of these trigger points is that they can become swollen, painful and limit mobility. Trigger point therapy works deep into the muscle fibres and breaks up and softens any active trigger points enabling the body to return to normal functional movement patterns.


Trigger point therapy can be quite painful!

1 hr         -   $110

90 mins - $150

2 hr         - $200

Neural Pathways Kinesiology Massage


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